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Vol. 10, No. 03 [March 2024]

Paper Title :: ZJ Transform and Its Application to ODE with Variable Coeffients
Author Name :: M. Sc. Zenteno Jiménez José Roberto
Country :: Mexico
Page Number :: 01-07
The following article is a study, application and results on the ZJ Transform to solve Differential Equations with Variable Coeffients.
Summary: The following article is a study, application, properties and results on the ZJ Transform to solve partial Differential Equations with Variable Coeffients.
Keywords: Laplace Transform, ODE Variable Coeffients, ZJ Transform, Elzaki Transform, Aboodh Transform.
[1]. Abbas, E.S.; Kuffi, E.A.; Jawad, A.A. New Integral kuffi-abbas-jawadkaj Transform and its Application on Ordinary Differential Equations. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 2022, 25(5),1427-1433.
[2]. Aboodh Khalid Suliman, The New Integral Transform ''Aboodh Transform'' Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 9, Number 1 (2013), pp. 35-43© Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com/gjpam.html
[3]. Elzaki Tarig The New Integral Transform ''Elzaki Transform'' Tarig. M. Elzaki Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 7, Number 1 (2011), pp. 57–64 © Research India Publications
[4]. Hassan Eltayeb and AdemKılı¸cman. A Note on the Sumudu Transforms and Differential Equations
[5]. Fethi Bin Muhammed Belgacem and Ahmed Abdullatif Karaballi. Sumudu transform fundamental properties investigations and applications, Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis Volume 2006, Article ID 91083, Pages 1–23 DOI 10.1155/JAMSA/2006/910


Paper Title :: High-Capacity Color QR Code Based on Grayscale Design
Author Name :: Xinxin Zhao || Peng Cao
Country :: China
Page Number :: 08-13
QR code capacity and anti-counterfeiting is an important problem that needs to be solved. Based on the application requirements of large-capacity and anti-counterfeiting 2D codes, this study generates largecapacity color 2D codes by using primary and mixed colors multiplexed into the 2D codes, based on the RGB triple color equation, encoded by grayscale encoder, and realizing multi-code composite information modulation. The proposed color two-dimensional code can be read directly by the reading device, and through the computer color filtering software color filtering processing, the composite implanted secret two-dimensional code can be read separately, so as to realize the high-capacity integration and anti-counterfeiting function.
Key Words: storage capacity; Anti counterfeiting traceability; Color QR code; Multi channel; QR code
[1] HUANG Yuan, CAO Peng, LYU Guangwu, “A directly readable halftone multifunctional color QR cde,” Chinese Journal of Electronics, vol.32, no.3, pp.474-484, 2023. doi: 10.23919/cje.2021.00.366.
[2] Yang Z, Xu H, Deng J, et al. Robust and fast decoding of high-capacity color QR codes for mobile applications [J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2018, 27(12): 6093-6108.
[3] Guan Tao. Design of Color Data Matrix Barcodes and Research on Some Issues [D]. Tsinghua University, 2006.
[4] Bhardwaj N, Kumar R, Verma R, et al. Decoding algorithm for color QR code: a mobile scanner application[C]//2016 international conference on recent trends in information technology (ICRTIT). IEEE, 2016: 1-6.
[5] Kikuchi M, Fujiyoshi M, Kiya H. A new color QR code forward compatible with the standard QR code decoder[C]//2013 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems. IEEE, 2013: 26-31.


Paper Title :: An Intelligent Wet Waste Recycling System
Author Name :: Kaixin Rui || Shijiao Liu || Shijie Jin || Yunrui Zuo || Yuyang Qin || Qiwei Jian || Chunyan Zhang
Country :: China
Page Number :: 14-16
This paper presents the conceptualization and realization of an innovative, intelligent system for recycling wet waste, engineered to offer a compact, mobile, and automated approach to kitchen waste management. The system simplifies the entire process of waste treatment, encompassing bag opening, collection, fermentation, and storage as fertilizer. Key functionalities include: automatic garbage bag disposal, freeing users from direct contact with waste; resource recovery by converting waste into compost or biogas, contributing to a circular economy; and smart technology integration that enables tracking and promotes user engagement in the recycling process. Designed primarily for small-scale settings such as individual homes or small businesses, the system promotes sustainability by boosting recycling rates and diminishing overall household waste.
Key Words: WetWaste Recycling, Automatic garbage bag disposal, Biogas, Intelligent system.
[1]. Wang Xinhua. Fundamentals of Mechanical Design [M]. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2011.
[2]. Liu Hongwen. Concise Materials Mechanics [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2008.
[3]. Chen Xiuning, Shi Gaoyi. Mechanical Design Course Project [M]. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2013.
[4]. Li Yan, Zhu Xuanyi, Chen Shixuan, Gao Huadan, Yao Jiahui. Study on the Innovation and Promotion Strategy of Recycling Model for Classified Household Waste under the Background of "Internet+" [J]. Technology Economy Market. 2020, 4: 82-95.
[5]. Liu Jun. Research on Community "Internet+ Garbage Classification and Recycling Service Design — A Case Study of Wuhan Urban Constellation Community [J]. Renewable Resources and Circular Economy. 2020, 3: 237-243.





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