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Vol. 03, No. 02 [February 2017]

Author Name :: Riki tatsuta || DihnThi Dong Phuong || Yusuke Kajiwara || Hiromitsu Shimakawa
Country :: Japan
Page Number :: 01-13
New farmers need technical guidance to improve working efficiency because they are lacking in experience. Agricultural experts put much effort to provide guidance for beginner farmers. However, continuing to give guidance is difficult because it is a large burden on the experts. This study proposes a system which contributes to transferring a deft motion of experts to improve the working efficiency of beginners in farm works. The system promotes beginners to assess their own farming works without an expert. The beginners can confirm whether their own works are proper works. An experiment has suggested that machine learning is an effective way to achieve a model to discriminate the proper farming works using posture and movement magnitude of each body part.
Keywords: Agriculture, farming works, physical behavior, machine learning, acceleration sensor, wearable sensor
[1] Japan Agricultural Corporations Association (2012) agricultural corporations report 2011 Survey results about actual conditions of agricultural corporations, p26
[2] Teruaki NANSEKI, Yoshitaka FUJII (2015) "Transmission of Agriculture Technology and Skill : Farming Visualization and Support System by ICT", The Food Agricultural and Resource Economics Society of Japan, 66(2):893-87.
[3] T. Nanseki, Y. Fujii, and T. Ezoe, "Development of a Farming visualization system "FVS-PC Viewer‟: Support for agricultural skills succession," Agricultural Information Research, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 201-211, 2013.
[4] Dimitriadis, Savvas, and Christos Goumopoulos. "Applying machine learning to extract new knowledge in precision agriculture applications."Informatics, 2008. PCI'08. Panhellenic Conference on. IEEE, 2008.
[5] H. Sekiguchi, et.al., Data Mining to Extract Greenhouse Sidewall Control Rules for Raising Rice Seedlings, Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics, 22(4), 212-227, 2013

Author Name :: Sriganesh T G || R G Deshpande || H Sohan || K Pradeep Kumar Nayak || Sudheer Yadav C V || SuhasJanak Thakkar
Country :: India
Page Number :: 14-20
Recycling plays a very important role to save our natural resources. In recentyears the use of Aluminium, as packaging material for beverages has increased tremendously. This calls for recycling Aluminium cans in a large quantity. It has been observed that storage, and later transporting undented Aluminium cansis not economically viable as the weight to volume ratio is less. Hence the need forcrushing cans arises. An attempt has been made to develop a machine usingsimple mechanisms to feed, crush and dispose Aluminium cans without much humaneffort.
Keywords: Aluminium can, slidercrankmechanism, cancrusher
[1]. Verran, G.O., Kurzawa U., An experimental study of aluminium can recyclingusing fusion in induction furnace. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 52, 2008, 731-736.
[2]. Hu, Y., Bakker, M.C.M., De Heij P.G., Recovery and distribution ofincinerated aluminium packaging waste. Waste Management. 31, 2011, 2422-2430.
[3]. Verfssimo, M., Gomes, M.T.S., Aluminium migration into beverages: Aredented cans safe. Science of the Total Environment. 405, 2008, 385-388.
[4]. Dunleavy, M., Silver is the new green. Recycle Today. 44, 2006, 106-11.
[5]. Henry, A., Aluminium engine. Recycle Today. 44, 2007, S8-12.

Paper Title :: A survey of Big Data Analytics Techniques in Cyber Security
Author Name :: Ana-Maria Ghimes || Victor Patriciu
Country :: Romania
Page Number :: 21-25
In the time of huge information, there are a great deal of examination strategies and procedures for analyzing large data sets and acquiring applicable outcomes that are proposed to be used for specific purposes in various ranges of business.In the virtual environments, many attacks are launched for obtaining advantages through information leakages from their targets. The motivation behind investigation techniques in digital security is to end up distinctly more adaptable with changes in adversary behaviors. Visual examination and prediction algorithms seem to contribute considerable a lot in resolving cyber security issues. Exploring large data sets, achieving knowledge, forensic investigation, are representing the most known cases in cyber security big data solutions.To get significant information from analytics, the most important steps to take before analyzing data are to normalize, eliminate duplicates and put it in a format that can enhance the proficiency of an algorithm. Normalizing data is a pre-process that incorporate capacities and systems for sorting, mining, connection information and so forth.
Keywords: analytics, big data, cyber security, data mining
[1]. Anna L. Buczak, P. A. (2016). Detection of Tunnels in PCAP Data by Random Forests. CISRC '16: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Cyber and Information Security Research Conference.
[2]. Campiolo, R., Santos, L. A., Batista, D. M., & Gerosa, M. A. (n.d.). Evaluating the Utilization of Twitter Messages., (p. 2).
[3]. CHOR, B., KUSHILEVITZ, E., GOLDREICH, O., & SUDAN, M. (1988). Private information retrieval. Journal of the ACM, 965-981.
[4]. Dubey, P., & Dubey, R. (2014). FULLY HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION BASED MULTIPARTY ASSOCIATION RULE MINING. International Journal of Computer Engineering & Science, 14-17.
[5]. FANG, W. Z. (2012). Privacy Preserving linear regression modeling of distributed databases. Optimization Letters, 807-818.

Paper Title :: Recommendation of Tour Route from Tourist Motivation Improving Serendipity Occurrence
Author Name :: Momoko Kato || HiromitsuShimakawa
Country :: Japan
Page Number :: 26-36
People want to go on a trip because of reasons specific to them. We regard it as trip motivation. They are satisfied for their trip matching their trip motivations. In addition, they raise their satisfaction for their trip when they experience serendipity on sight-seeing spots. In this paper, we propose a method to recommend the tourist route which not only matches user's trip motivation but also brings serendipity. In this method, we estimate user's trip motivation with photographs of sight-seeing spots. The method figures out sight-seeing spots from the estimation as expected points, so that they can satisfy what they expect. In addition, we determine the sight-seeing spots to intentionally generate serendipity based on user's fundamental desires, which the user wants to fulfil in her life. We refer them as unexpected points, because they have potential to make the user experience something valuable unexpectedly. We present a tourist route involving both of the expected and the unexpected points to recommend to the user. Experiments in Kyoto to verify the usefulness of this method proved that we can recommend tourist routes which can provide the same level of satisfaction as general Kyoto sight-seeing trips do. In addition, subjects experienced serendipity twice more in the sight-seeing spots in unexpected points than in expected points. This method can create the tourist route to strongly satisfy users with the combination of sight-seeing spots for serendipity and ones suitable for trip motivation.
Keywords: Trip, Recommendation, Tourist route, Trip motivation, Fundamental desires
[1] T. Sasaki, Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology (in Japanese), Kansai University, 28(2), pp.27-68, Dec. 1996
[2] Jalan research center (in Japanese) (2012). [Online]. Available: http://www.travelvision.jp/event/detail.php?id=54565
[3] Popescu, Adrian, and Gregory Grefenstette. "Mining social media to create personalized recommendations for tourist visits." Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications. ACM, 2011.
[4] Mamei, Marco, Alberto Rosi, and Franco Zambonelli. "Automatic Analysis of Geotagged Photos for Intelligent Tourist Services." Intelligent Environments. 2010.
[5] Clements, Maarten, et al. "Using flickr geotags to predict user travel behaviour." Proceedings of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. ACM, 2010.

Paper Title :: Loss of Excitation protection of generator in R-X Scheme
Author Name :: Akshitsinh J. Raulji || Ajay M. Patel
Country :: India
Page Number :: 37-42
Generator is one of the most important equipment in the power system. So when a fault occurs in generator it affects entire power system. When loss of excitation (field failure) condition occurs on a generator, it causes severe damage both on generator as well as interconnected system. When a generator loss its field, the speed of the generator will increase and hence it will act as asynchronous generator, so it draws reactive power from the system, so the total reactive power load on the system will be nearly double the reactive power supplied by the generator earlier. If the system is enable to feed this large reactive power requirement, then the power system will be unstable resulting in collapse of voltage. In this paper focus on RX scheme for generator excitation protection during excitation failure and during external fault.
Keywords: Generator protection;loss of excitation protection;RXscheme,active and reactive power
[1] Adriano P. de Morais, GhendyCerdoso, Jr., and L.Mariotto, "An Innovative Loss-of-Excitation protection Based on the Fuzzy Inference Mechanism" IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Paper no. TPWRD-00423-2009,March11,2010.
[2] A.P.Morais,G. Cardoso, Jr., L. Mariotto e L. N. Canha "‟Performance Evaluation of the Adaptive Loss of Field Protection in synchronous Generators by means of the Positive Offset Method", IEEE Latin America Transactions, VOL. 7, NO.6,December 2009.
[3] D. Reimert, Protective Relaying for power Generation systems, 3rd ed. New York, USA: Taylor & Francis,2006.
[4] W. Wang, Principle and Application of. Electric Power EquipmentProtection, China Electric. Power Press, 2002.
[5] P. M. Anderson. "power system protection,‟‟ New York : IEEE press/MaGraw-Hill,1998,pp.731-737

Paper Title :: Microwave assisted biomass gasification of sawdust and wood pellet
Author Name :: František Janíček || Jozef Holjenčík || Markus Giemza || Milan Perný || Vladimír Šály
Country :: Germany
Page Number :: 43-50
Development of alternative approaches in the field of pyrolysis and gasification of biomass is possible step in streamlining the process of recovery of organic wastes. The use of microwave radiation offers essential benefits, like homogenous heating of the whole structure, in comparison to conventional heating methods. Using the microwave reactor, where the prevention against oxidation process is improved, leads to the increased production of combustible gases like methane and hydrogen. Two microwave reactors HR-Lab and HR 200 were used in this experimental work to produce syngas by microwave thermal processing of sawdust and wood pellets and the study of waste recovery. Subsequent investigation of syngas composition and tar quantity was performed. The optimization of the gasification process of biomass in the form of wood pellets showed that the syngas obtained in the microwave reactor HR-Lab at gasification temperature 800 °C improved the syngas quality, had a high heating value of 16.237 MJ/kg and can be used as a fuel for gas engines. The results of calculation with assumed values show that the large microwave reactor HR-200 would be able to produce 0.55 m3N/h dry gas per each kilogram gasified biomass and in total 109.86 m3N/h. The total amount of produced humid gas at the temperature 750 °C is at 584.90 m3/h. This gas contains 28.8 % of evaporated water and about 12.2 g/m3 of tar and dust.
Keywords: Microwave pyrolysis; Syngas; Energy Efficiency; Thermal processing.
[1]. Arshanitsa A, Zile Y A, Dizhbite E T, Solodovnik V, Telysheva, G (2016) Microwave treatment combined with conventional heating of plant biomass pellets in a rotated reactor as a high rate process for solid biofuel manufacture. Renewable Ener. 91:386-396. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2016.01.080
[2]. Bu Q, Lei H, Ren S, Wang L, Zhang Q, Tang J, Ruan R (2012) Production of phenols and biofuels by catalytic microwave pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresour. Technol. 108:274–279. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.12.125
[3]. Budarin V.L, Shuttleworth, P S, Dodson J R, Hunt A J, Lanigan B, Marriott R, Milkowski K J, Wilson A J, Breeden S W, Fan J, Sina E H K, Clark J H (2011) Use of green chemical technologies in an integrated biorefinery, Energy & Environmental Science. 4:471-479. doi: 10.1039/C0EE00184H
[4]. Damartzis T, Zabaniotou A (2011) Thermochemical conversion of biomass to second generation biofuels through integrated process design-A review. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 15:366–378. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2010.08.003
[5]. Demirbas, M. F (2009) Biorefineries for biofuel upgrading: A critical review, Appl. Energy., 86:151-161. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.04.043

Paper Title :: Using local optimization algorithms in ensemble clustering with maximize diversity
Author Name :: SeyedAhad Zolfagharifar || Faramarz Karamizadeh || Hamid Parvin
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 51-64
Clustering data means partition samples in clusters which are similar, so that sample of each cluster has maximum similarity with each other and maximum distance with other sample. Unsupervised clustering is due to the choice of a particular algorithm for clustering an anonymous collection is risky and usually failed.Because of the complexity of the issue and lack of basic clustering methods, today the majority of studies directed towards hybrid clustering methods. Dispersion primary result is one of the most important factors that can effect on the quality of the final results.Also, quality of the early results is another factor which is effective on| quality of the results of the combination. Both factors have been considered in recent studies hybrid clustering. Here, proposed a new framework to improve the efficiency of hybrid clustering that is based on the use of a subset of primary clusters.The selection of these subsidiaries plays a crucial role in the performance of the Assembly. The selection is done with help of intelligent methods. The main ideas proposed methods for selecting a subset of the clusters; the clusters are stable with intelligent search algorithms.To evaluate the clusters, use the stability criterion based on mutual information. Finally, we collect the selected cluster to the final mix with help of several ways. Experimental results on several standard datasets show that the proposed methods can effectively improve the perfect combination method.
Key words: Hybrid Clustering, Local Optimization, Diversity, Evolutionary Algorithms, Correlation Matrix, Diversity.
[1]. Azimi, G,"The distribution of the hybrid clustering", MSc Thesis, University of Science and Technology, 2008.
[2]. Aarts E. H. L. and Korst J. Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines, John Wiley & Sons, Essex, U.K, 1989.
[3]. Akbari E., Dahlan H.M., Ibrahim R., Alizadeh H.: Hierarchical cluster ensemble selection. Eng. Appl. of AI 39: 146-156 2015.
[4]. Alizadeh H., Minaei-Bidgoli B., Parvin H. Optimizing Fuzzy Cluster Ensemble in String Representation.IJPRAI 27(2), 2013.
[5]. Alizadeh A., Minaei-Bidgoli B., Parvin H. Cluster ensemble selection based on a new cluster stability measure. Intell.Data Anal. 18(3): 389-408, 2014.

Paper Title :: The Combination of a Multiple Demographic Model based on Particle
Swarm with Several Solutions for Learning in Dynamic Environment
Author Name :: Seyed Ahad Zolfagharifar || Faramarz Karamizadeh || Hamid Parvin
Country :: Iran
Page Number :: 65-83
the dynamic environment in which global and local optimization over time replaced. Optimization of particle mass is one of algorithm based on collective intelligence and the behavior of birds in nature.Each evolutionary algorithm has particular advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, a multiple demographic algorithm based on particle swarm to dealing with dynamic environments is used. In this algorithm as the multiple demographic algorithms mQSO of quantum particles and neutral as well as disposal operations and anti-convergence with the difference that in this method has been used in several different ways. Control solution of neutral particles is used to find the worst areas. There is also a clear memory to maintain good solutions. Clustering algorithm was used to maintain diversity while hill climbing search method to improve local search in each cluster is used. Famous problem benchmark peaks moving for the test environment and experimental results show that this method is suitable for dynamic environments.
Keywords: particle swarm optimization, learning model, dynamic environments, benchmark the moving peaks
[1] C.Anderson, N.R. Franks, "Teams in Animal Societies. Behavioral Ecology Computation", pp. 534-540, 2001.
[2] O.B.Bayazit, J-M.Lienand, N.M. Amato, "Roadmap-Based Flocking for Complex Environments. In Proceeding of Tenth Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Applications", pp. 104-113, 2002.
[3] J.Branke, "Memory Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithms for Changing Optimization Problems". In: 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Washington D.C., USA, vol. 3, pp. 1875–1882, 1999.
[4] T.Blackwell, J.Branke, "Multiswarms, Exclusion, and Anti-Convergence in Dynamic Environments". IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 10, 459–472, 2006.
[5] A.B.Hashemi, M.R Meybodi, "Cellular PSO: A PSO for Dynamic Environments". Advances in Computation and Intelligence, pp. 422–433, 2009.

Author Name :: A Balamurug || M Mohan || E Venkatesan || T Ramkumar
Country :: India
Page Number :: 93-99
Austenitic stainless steels are more complex in nature than ferritic and martensitic steels, as they have at least four major alloying elements such as Fe, C, Cr, & Ni. Super 304H is widely used in super heater and reheater tubes of power plants. The addition of 3% (wt) Cu to Super 304H, aimed at reducing the recycling cost, has been found to increase the elevated temperature strength of the austenitic steels, especially their creep performance in the temperature range of 650-750°C. In fusion welding, a number of weldability problems will encounter, if proper precautions are not taken. Weld solidification and liquation cracking may occur depending on the base and filler material used. Embrittlement due to sigma phase and carbide formation may also occur. The high carbon content increases the susceptibility to sensitization, Stress corrosion cracking and Intergranular corrosion. To overcome these problems a solid state welding process known as Friction welding has proved itself to be a reliable and economical way of producing high quality, defect free weld joints by elimination fusion related problems. The weld joints have to be in service temperatures of greater than 600° C for the entire design life of the power plant. The integrity and the life of the power plant depends on the performance of these weld joints at elevated temperature. Hence in this investigation it is planned to study the microstructure evolution and tensile properties of the friction welded joints of AISI304HCu after exposing at 650° C for different time period such as 10, 50 and 100 hours. The results are presented and discussed in detail.
Key Words: Austenitic stainless steel; Friction welding; Heat treatment; Tensile properties; Microstructure; Micro hardness.
[1]. P.J. Maziasz, J.P. Shingledecker, N.D. Evans, M.P. Pollard, Developing new cast austenitic stainless steels with high-temperature creep resistance, J. Pressure Vessel Technol. 131/051404 (1) (2006) 1.
[2]. R. Viswanathan, R. Purget, P. Rawls, Coal-fired power materials, Adv. Mater. Processes (2008) 47.
[3]. R. Viswanathan, K. Coleman, Boiler materials for ultra-super critical (USC) coal power plants, USC quarterly report, 2004, 5.
[4]. T. Kan, Y. Sawaragi, Y. Yamadera, H. Okada, Proc. of 6th Liege Conf on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering, part-1, 1998, 441.
[5]. A. Tohyama, Y. Minami, Development of the high temperature materials for ultrasuper critical boilers, NKK technical report 84, 2001, 30.

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