Vol. 04, No. 12 [December 2018]
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Paper Title | :: | Quasi-cubic AT-Bézier Curve Based on Algebraic-trigonometric Function |
Author Name | :: | Yue-e Zhong || Hong-guo Sun |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 01-04 |
In this paper, a new class of Bézierbasis, called AT-Bézier basis, is constructed based on algebraictrigonometric function. Its properties including non negativity, normalization and the property of endpoints are discussed. Then quasi-cubic AT-Bézier curve is generated with new basis functions. The AT-Bézier curves not only have much properties resembling the traditional cubic Bézier curves, such as convex hull, geometry invariance and affine invariance, but also can come toG1 continuity when two AT-Bézier curves stitch together.
Keywords:Algebraic-trigonometric, function, control, vertex, curve, stitching,G1, continuity, quasi-cubic, ATBézier curve
Keywords:Algebraic-trigonometric, function, control, vertex, curve, stitching,G1, continuity, quasi-cubic, ATBézier curve
[1]. LI Juncheng, A method for constructing arbitrary quasi-cubic trigonometric curves, Journal of Chinese Computer Systems, 32 (7),2011,1441-1445.
[2]. Chen Qinyu, Wang Guozhao, A class of Bézier-like curves, Computer Aidad Geometric Design,20(1),2003,29-39.
[3]. Su Benyue, Huang Youdu, A class of Bézier-type trigonometric polynomial curves, Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities,27(3),2005,202-208.
[4]. Su Benyue, Sheng Min, Bézier-like curves and surfaces based on hyperbolic functions, Computer Engineering and Design,27(3),2006,370-372.
[5]. Chen Wenyu, Wang Guozhao, Algebraic trigonometric twice combined Bézier-like curves, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition),34(6),2007,615-620.
[2]. Chen Qinyu, Wang Guozhao, A class of Bézier-like curves, Computer Aidad Geometric Design,20(1),2003,29-39.
[3]. Su Benyue, Huang Youdu, A class of Bézier-type trigonometric polynomial curves, Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities,27(3),2005,202-208.
[4]. Su Benyue, Sheng Min, Bézier-like curves and surfaces based on hyperbolic functions, Computer Engineering and Design,27(3),2006,370-372.
[5]. Chen Wenyu, Wang Guozhao, Algebraic trigonometric twice combined Bézier-like curves, Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition),34(6),2007,615-620.
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Paper Title | :: | The Impact of Household Income on Household Education Investment Spending -- Research Based on CFPS Data |
Author Name | :: | Huang Shan |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 05-08 |
In recent years, education in China is developing rapidly, while education business which is deepening and innovating cannot be separated from the increase of investment. China's family investment in education training has been on the rise. Based on the CFPS data in 2016, this paper conducted an empirical analysis of household income and family education investment behavior, and found that income has a significant impact on education investment.
Keywords:household income; education investment expenditure
Keywords:household income; education investment expenditure
[1]. 陈永伟,顾佳峰,史宇鹏.住房财富、信贷约束与城镇家庭教育开支——来自CFPS2010数据的证据[J].经济研究,2014(1):89-101
[2]. 谷宏伟,杨秋平.收入、期望与教育支出:对当前中国家庭教育投资行为的实证分析[J].宏观经济研究,2013(3):68-74
[3]. 李亚伟,刘晓瑞.我国居民家庭教育支出的影响因素分析[J].统计与决策,2011(7):88-91
[4]. 钱晓烨,迟巍,史瑶.义务教育阶段城镇家庭教育支出的构成及不平等:来自2007和2011的实证证据[J].教育与经济,2015(6):25-33
[2]. 谷宏伟,杨秋平.收入、期望与教育支出:对当前中国家庭教育投资行为的实证分析[J].宏观经济研究,2013(3):68-74
[3]. 李亚伟,刘晓瑞.我国居民家庭教育支出的影响因素分析[J].统计与决策,2011(7):88-91
[4]. 钱晓烨,迟巍,史瑶.义务教育阶段城镇家庭教育支出的构成及不平等:来自2007和2011的实证证据[J].教育与经济,2015(6):25-33
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Paper Title | :: | Easy to carry badminton batting position trainer |
Author Name | :: | TANG YONG |
Country | :: | China |
Page Number | :: | 09-11 |
The utility model provides a simple training device for carrying the position of a badminton batting point,It includes a vertical support rod, Skew support rod, line rope, badminton, The bottom end of the vertical support rod is fixed to the transverse plastic clip; The middle part of the vertical support rod is provided with a winding tube; A first pulley and a second pulley are arranged on the oblique support rod. The wire rope is wound on the winding tube, Through the first pulley and the second pulley, The end is fixed to the badminton. The utility model has a simple and light structure,Easy to carry, The position of the badminton batting point can be controlled arbitrarily, This makes it easier for different groups of people to practice badminton batting points better.
Keywords:Simple carrying, Badminton hitting point, training aids
Keywords:Simple carrying, Badminton hitting point, training aids
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Paper Title | :: | Design and Fabrication of Pipe Inspection Robot |
Author Name | :: | Rohit Mahale || Pratik Kijbile || Akash Jadhav || Vivek Mahatme |
Country | :: | India |
Page Number | :: | 12-15 |
Keywords: Chuck-Jaw Mechanism, Size and Shape Adaptability, Pipeline Exploration
[1] Jong-HoonKim, Gokarna Sharma, And S. SitharamaIyengar “FAMPER: A Fully Autonomous Mobile Robot for Pipeline Exploration”, Department of Computer Science, Louisiana, State University the USA 2010 pp 517-520.
[2] Prof. H. M. J. R. Somers, D. M. Brouwer, G. M. Bonnema, J. Lederman, “Development of A Pipe Inspection Robot”, Laboratory of Mechanical Automation and Mechatronics Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of CTW Universiteit Twente, 2007.
[3] Mihaita Horodinca, Ioan Doroftei, Emmanuel Mignon, André Preumont, “A Simple Architecture for In-Pipe Inspection Robots”, Active Structure Laboratory, pp1-4.
[2] Prof. H. M. J. R. Somers, D. M. Brouwer, G. M. Bonnema, J. Lederman, “Development of A Pipe Inspection Robot”, Laboratory of Mechanical Automation and Mechatronics Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of CTW Universiteit Twente, 2007.
[3] Mihaita Horodinca, Ioan Doroftei, Emmanuel Mignon, André Preumont, “A Simple Architecture for In-Pipe Inspection Robots”, Active Structure Laboratory, pp1-4.